Meet the Volunteers – Part 1


To celebrate Volunteers’ Week, we are sharing some posts about a few of our amazing Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service Volunteers.

Our HWFRS Volunteers are essential to making links within the community and delivering vital Fire Safety Information.

First up this week we meet Bill.

We thought we would tell you more about Bill and what has led him to volunteer for HWFRS.

Name: Bill Finnimore

Length of service: 4 years

Occupation: Pastor of Ridgeway Community Church, Redditch

Favourite volunteering activity: Fire Safety Talks

Most memorable volunteering moment: Using the smoke tent at an SAS family day at a local SAS base. Fascinating to witness the low-drop parachute display and meet some of the regiment.

Why do you volunteer?: As a former serving firefighter I have a continuing interest in fire safety. Also as a church pastor I love to be involved with people outside of my church scene.

Favourite pastime?: Driving my convertible in the countryside with the roof back and seat heating warming me.

If you think this sounds like something you would be interested in check out for more information.