Fire Kills campaign makes itself heard in Deaf Awareness Week

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Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service (HWFRS) is reaching out to those who are deaf or who have a hearing impairment during Deaf Awareness Week (DAW – 2-8 May) to ensure they have effective smoke alarms in place.

As part of Deaf Awareness Week, which is backed by the UK Council on Deafness, HWFRS is reminding Herefordshire and Worcestershire’s residents to make sure they fit and test the right smoke alarms for those with hearing loss in their homes.

This year DAW is focusing on Inclusion deafness and seeking to highlight the impact of hearing loss on everyday life.

For individuals who are hard of hearing, specialist wi-fi alarms are available, with features ranging from strobe lighting and vibrating alarms to small wearable radio linked pagers. These specialist alarms can save lives, alerting people to a fire in their home even if they remove their hearing aid at night.

Emma Roberts, HWFRS Head of Prevention, says:

“It is vital that people who are deaf or have a hearing impairment ensure they have the right smoke alarm technology in their home to protect them – and that they test them weekly, to make sure they work!

“Many people with hearing loss could be at serious risk if they don’t have the right alarms in place. Specialist alarm systems provide valuable time to escape from a house blaze. Without it, lives could be lost.

“Anyone unsure about the alarms they need should contact Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service for fire safety advice and details about a FREE Home Fire Safety Visit. We are here to help make sure your home is as fire safe as possible.

“Home Fire Safety Visits offer people the opportunity to get invaluable advice about planning escape routes, positioning alarms and ensuring that appropriate working smoke alarms are fitted in your home.”

“For more information, and to discuss a FREE visit, call the Prevention Team on 0800 032 1155.”

You can also complete a FREE online Home Fire Safety Check now by following the link
on our website.

Developed in partnership with Safelincs,
this easy-to-follow home fire safety check will take you through your home one room at a time and the simple questions will help you spot fire risks as you go around your home.

There is also a wealth of fire safety advice at
and, and as regards hearing impairment more generally, at