HWFRS: We are here to help with home fire safety

Sofa on fire

Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service is urging people to take a little time out to protect their loved ones and reduce the risk of house fires.

Many households are struggling with the cost of living and may have made changes or bought products which could mean they run the risk of a blaze.

During the National Fire Chiefs Council’s Home Fire Safety Week (June 12-18), HWFRS is urging people to do a few simple checks and make changes which can help keep their property safer, save lives and reduce injuries.

HWFRS offers Home Fire Safety Visits, checks and advice.

By using the online home safety tool at https://www.ohfsc.co.uk people can explore whether they, along with loved ones or neighbours, could benefit.

Visits can unlock vital safety advice and solutions while offering help from various organisations.

People should ensure they have at least one smoke alarm on every level of their home and carbon monoxide alarms if they have fuel-burning appliances such as boilers, open fires and wood burners.

They must be tested weekly to ensure they work.

Emma Roberts, HWFRS Head of Prevention, said: “As part of Home Fire Safety Week we are offering support and advice to help people stay safer in their homes.

“This ranges from simple steps such as installing smoke detection and checking electrical items are safe to how fire services can assist people who are more vulnerable.

“While we understand the pressures people are currently facing and affordability is a major factor for many, I am hoping that, by giving practical help and advice, we can raise awareness and offer useful assistance.

“Prevention work is at the heart of all fire and rescue service work and we are here to help.”

For further information about a free Home Fire Safety Visit, call HWFRS on 0800 032 1155.