Give us your views on potential risks and issues to community and HWFRS

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Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service (HWFRS) is looking for your views.

We are preparing our plan for 2025-2030, which is known as the Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP).

One of the first things we need to do is to make sure we understand all the potential risks and issues that may affect the communities we serve, as well as those that may affect the Service itself.

We know the main risks in terms of fire and rescue but we also want to make sure we are not missing any other important risks that may affect members of the public and local communities.

So we are asking for your thoughts on any risks or issues you feel might affect our ability to deliver our services in the coming years to 2030.

Answering the questions will help us to make sure public concerns about risks and issues that might affect us are taken into account.

Your views really do count and will help to shape our future plans.

You can fill in the questionnaire here.