Redditch crew called out to rescue swan from house roof

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We were called out to the unusual rescue of a swan from the roof of a two-storey terraced house in Redditch.

The first call-out was at 7.13pm on Friday April 14 when a Redditch Fire Station crew joined a swan rescue charity representative in Frankton Close, Matchborough.

The crew had a ladder at the ready and efforts were made to encourage the swan down from the roof.

With the swan not visibly in distress or injured, the decision was made to leave the bird to come down of its own accord.

The crew left the scene at 8.26pm.

On Saturday April 15 we received another call at 11.24am with the swan still seemingly stuck on the roof now for almost 24 hours.

At 12.17pm the Redditch crew confirmed the swan had decided to make its own way down and was in the care of the swan rescue charity.