Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service Statement in response to the HMICFRS Spotlight Report into Values and Culture in Fire and Rescue Services

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Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service accepts the recommendations made in this spotlight report from the HMICFRS into Values and Culture in Fire and Rescue Services

The 35 recommendations in the report are intended to assist Fire and Rescue Services to improve values, culture, fairness and diversity.

We expect exemplary behaviour from all staff and treat all concerns seriously when this may not be the case. We are pleased to say that the findings of our recent staff survey show that 95% of staff know how to report inappropriate behaviour​.

We are improving staff understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion having commissioned an external organisation to undertake an independent cultural audit involving employee focus groups and one-to-ones to ensure we target future training and inclusion-related activities appropriately. This, in addition to the recommendations from the spotlight report, will help to retain staff and to encourage those with talent and potential to progress through the organisation, irrespective of background.