After a Fire

If you have been a victim of fire then you already know how traumatic and devastating it can be, but having the right assistance and advice there when you need it will help you through this difficult time.
- If at any time after a fire you feel unwell or suffer the after effects of smoke inhalation, contact your doctor or hospital Accident and Emergency department.
How to protect your property after a fire
If you have had a fire at your property, and your property is in an insecure condition:
- Close all doors and windows as these are an open invitation to thieves.
- Board up windows or doors – if needed. Should windows or doors require boarding up, a contractor can be found online to fulfil this service. As insurance policies differ widely it is impossible to state definitely whether this will be covered by your policy. If you are a council tenant and require a “boarding-up service” please contact your local Housing Department or direct works department who will carry out the services free of charge.
- Contact your local Police. Ensure that they know your property is empty and insecure and remove cash and valuables.
- We may use large sheets to protect your property. This is a temporary measure only and you should arrange to have them replaced within a reasonable length of time.
Insurance Information
If you have had a fire at your home, you should do the following as soon as possible:
- Contact your insurance company for guidance.
- If you are un-insured, you may be able to get financial help and mental wellbeing support.
- If you have money that is partially burned it can be taken to a bank for replacement.
- If you rent or lease the property you may be required to contact the landlord/landlady or his agent.
Power Supplies
Electricity and Gas
- If we have isolated your electricity or gas, please ensure it is inspected by a qualified electrician\gas engineer before use.
- Never attempt to re-connect or turn on the supply yourself.
- A plumber will be required if your water supply has been affected.
- Do not attempt to turn on your water until your system has been attended by the plumber.
The clean up
Carpets, rugs, furniture and clothing
- A number of companies offer specialised cleaning services for these items.
- A wet/dry vacuum or water extractor cleaning machine are excellent for cleaning rugs and carpets.
- For clothing, always read the label and if in doubt contact a specialist shop for advice.
- This is a complex problem due to the materials used in the home and those which have been involved in the fire. Contact a specialist cleaning company.
Ceilings and walls
- Wallpaper cannot be effectively cleaned unless it is washable.
Food and drinks
- It is safest to discard any food or drink affected by smoke or heat.
- Please return any tainted medicines to pharmacist or GP for correct disposal.