Bicycle Safety

Cycling safety – Think Bikes!
Cycling is a great and economical way to get around, however we urge both cyclists and car drivers to take extra care to avoid being hurt. Look out for each other.
Please follow the advice below to stay safe.
Advice for drivers – Think Bikes!
When you are driving on the roads, please look out for cyclists. Cyclists can sometimes be hard to see – always look out for them and give them space on the road.
Top tips for drivers, look out for cyclists:
- Check mirrors and blind spots carefully.
- Hold back rather than assume the intention of cyclists.
- On roundabouts give way to cyclists coming from the right.
- Don’t overtake cyclists if you can see the road narrowing ahead.
- When turning left allow any cyclist ahead of you to pass the junction first.
Cyclists are now advised to:
- Wait in front of other vehicles at traffic lights.
- Ride in a straight line past parked cars rather than dodge in and out.
- Ride assertively away from the gutter to avoid potholes, ridges, metalwork.
- Ride in the middle of the road to prevent dangerous overtaking where roads are narrow.
Safety advice for cyclists – Stay Safe!
Safety advice for cyclists:
- Wear a correctly fitted cycle helmet.
- Ride positively, decisively and well clear of the kerb.
- Always use lights after dark or when visibility is poor.
- Wear light coloured or reflective clothing to increase your visibility.
- Avoid riding up the inside of large vehicles where you might not be seen.
- Follow the Highway Code including observing ‘stop’ and ‘give way’ signs and traffic lights.