Consultation on the location of the Wyre Forest Emergency Services Hub
This consultation is now closed and the results are being collated.

An extensive public consultation on the location the proposed Wyre Forest Emergency Services Hub Station is currently underway. The process involves working closely with staff, local communities and their representatives to ensure that all views on the project are considered before any decisions are made.
Further details on the project can be found in the full consultation document which can be accessed by clicking here.
What are the benefits?
If approved the proposed hub will:
- Result in greater collaboration between emergency services
- Increase joint training opportunities
- Make the best use of public service resources
- Allow for a more resilient emergency response function across the three communities of Kidderminster, Stourport and Bewdley
- Improve the management of a broader range of community risks
- Allow teams to work together more effectively in areas such as prevention & enforcement
- Increase the opportunities to promote community and business safety
- Result in the exchange of local intelligence between partners about vulnerable people and risks to the community
- Provide facilities and space for the community and voluntary sector partners
- Provide more sustainable on-call (retained) emergency cover than at present.
- Reduce carbon footprint and improve environmental efficiency
Public meetings will also be taking place at Wyre Forest House on Finepoint Way on 13 & 18 July at 7pm.
The consultation closes on 9 September and an analysis of the results will go to the Fire Authority for consideration later this year.
All completed questionnaires are being processed by ORS, a specialist social research practice appointed to undertake this work. Please also note that no individuals will be identified in the ORS report of findings, but organisations may be identified.
Other written responses (emails, letters and other submissions) will be summarised by ORS and may be quoted in their report and on our website. Once again, no individuals will be identified, but organisations will be identified.Useful Links
Useful Links
Please click on the below links to view the relevant documents.
Information regarding the hub can also be found in the following FRA papers:
- Policy and Resources Committee – 19 November 2014
- Full Fire Authority Meeting – 10 December 2014
- Full Fire Authority Meeting – 17 June 2015
- Full Fire Authority Meeting – 17 February 2016
- Full Fire Authority Meeting – 16 June 2016 – please note that the supporting presentation given to Fire Authority Members at this meeting can be accessed at the bottom of the webpage under “Meeting Documents“.