Anthony has worked in the building trade since he was twenty, and before that was in farming. He has always pushed and challenged himself and enjoys doing triathlons and mountain biking. When he moved to Pershore in 2006, he decided to look into becoming an On-Call firefighter. He followed the recruitment process and joined the Fire Service in 2007.
Anthony covers weekend and night shifts, and if he’s working on a local building project, also covers daytime. He is self employed and sub-contracted to a company who are very supportive of his work as an On-Call firefighter. His wife, and son, who also loves sport and especially water sports including lifesaving, are very supportive of his work.
“Planning ahead has become an integral part of life! Everything we do is based around teamwork, including the ability to book a night off when necessary. We all help each other out and back each other. If we’re ever not sure about anything, we always have someone to ask and rely on.

I have learned so many new skills including water and animal rescue, and trauma skills.”
When Anthony was in Corfu on holiday with his family, he witnessed a woman drowning in the sea. His firefighter skills immediately kicked in and he swam out to rescue the woman, dragging her back to the shore where he took control of the situation and administered CPR. The woman survived and is now fine, because of Anthony’s lifesaving skills. “I didn’t think, it just came naturally.”
“If anyone is considering becoming a firefighter but is concerned about dyslexia, I would encourage them to apply and not to let it hold them back. The Fire Service have been incredibly supportive in helping in particular with my reading and spelling. I have an iPad that reads aloud to me and the specialist member of staff at Headquarters has been brilliant.”

To find out more about becoming an On-Call firefighter: