Smoke alarms play vital role in saving property and pets

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Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service is calling on people to make sure they have suitable smoke alarms after the devices played a crucial role in one incident.

Two crews from Evesham Fire Station and one from Broadway were able to contain a rural house fire in Charlton and rescue a cat from the property as a result.

Evesham Watch Commander Nick Tuckwell, who was in charge of the incident, said: “The occupier was out and the fire was only discovered because the neighbour, who is hearing-impaired, had fitted specialist smoke alarms and the smoke had drifted through to his property.

“As a result, his intervention stopped a small fire becoming a substantial one. He was able to let a dog out of the property and we were able to rescue a cat from the smoke-logged home.

“We would encourage people to fit specialist smoke alarms if you or a family member are hearing-impaired. We can arrange free Home Fire Safety Visits. There are more details on our website at

“This incident could well have become a full-on house fire without these smoke alarms.”

We were called at 10.42pm on Wednesday 26 April to the house fire with persons reported in the village between Pershore and Evesham. 

The incident involved a farm house, 10m by 15m, which was partly smoke-logged, and a quantity of logs next to a wood burner.

The fire was extinguished by two firefighters wearing breathing apparatus and using one hose reel jet.

A man in his 60s, the neighbour, had suffered light smoke inhalation and he was handed into the care of the ambulance service who attended along with police. 

The incident was marked as pending closure at 11.49pm.